All Time and Frequency is One

T = \frac{1}{f}

Such a deceptively simple equation. The technical definition is Frequency (f) is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time (T). It is also referred to as temporal frequency.

I’ve spent most of my adult life working with communications technology and auditory processing issues.  So the concept of frequency as it relates to time fascinates me.  Always loving basic algebra, it occurred to me that you could write this equation a different way…

But what does it mean?

This simple equation relates time and frequency together as one.  Now a physicist would probably have a field day with my explanation, but if you interpret it more loosely, the cosmic all – represented by the “ONE” – is comprised of all time and all frequencies.  All past, present and future come together as one.

Lorna Byrne – Talks to Angels

Lorna Byrne is the author of the book “Angels in My Hair”.  She has also published several other books on Angels.

In Lorna’s website she says “I have been seeing and talking  with Angels since I was a baby. This may sound extraordinary, but I’m also just an ordinary person dealing with the challenges and joys of  everyday life, just like you.”

Lorna grew up in a very poor Irish family and was labeled as retarded – although now she says that they understand she is dyslexic. With those challenges, she married, raised four children and cared for an ailing husband who passed a few years ago. Throughout this entire time, Angels interacted with her and helped her write a book about her life and experiences.

Reading this book was an amazing experience for me. Many people say they can communicate with Angels but I haven’t heard or read anything that comes as close as the experiences that Lorna has. This is not “channeling” where a person is apparently taken over by another entity who talks through them.  Lorna sees and talks with Angels like she sees and talks with us.

I have had the opportunity, twice, to see Lorna Byrne while she was touring America for a book signing.  We had a few minutes to talk as she signed the book and blessed me and my family. Lorna sees into a dimension that most of us can barely sense much less interact with. In today’s world where we are so grounded in the physical and the material, it was inspiring to touch a plane of existence through Lorna’s eyes that most of us will never connect with in our life times.  Maybe in Lorna’s case I should say Angels Flying Below the Radar